

I’m an ass hole and there will be some deep shit coming soon.

I am a fan of craft beer, sports, and good people like you and me. I am a Pacific Northwest transplant that just moved to the Midwest, and I’m not going to lie, some of you fuckers out here are pretty odd. I mean more power to you, you all got to do you, but shit. I always thought Indiana was all about corn and basketball. There are so many fat white guys running through town on mopeds that I am afraid to back out of a parking spot. Today I saw an Asian on a moped with a toddler riding in front–I had to look twice just to make sure that I hadn’t wandered in to Cambodia.

As I post stuff, please comment and leave your input so that I can banter back with the stuff that I deem interesting enough to acknowledge. You can address me by my name, which is Ass Hole, or just start your comment with Hey Ass Hole, so that I know you are talking to me.

I might start this forum off with some posts that I wrote last summer while visiting Indiana and Michigan as part of another blog that I used to write.

Enjoy the view fuckers.


Ass Hole

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